These two photos will be displayed at the Sooke Fine Arts Show July 22 to Aug 1 2022.Sooke Fine Arts Show
Durance Lake
If I Were A Boat
These two photos will be displayed at the Sooke Fine Arts Show July 22 to Aug 1 2022.Sooke Fine Arts Show
Durance Lake
If I Were A Boat
Some of my more abstract photos will be on display at Koffi coffee shop on the corner of Haltain and Belmont streets in Victoria B.C. from March 14th to the 21st 2021.
October Show at Koffi 2019
I like to photograph vehicles of all descriptions. I usually photograph them on the street where they live. Here are a couple of unusual examples of well cared for vehicles. The Austin really helped me with my skills in Photoshop. I love that the background for both vehicles is in an older neighborhood "Fernwood".
I love to go up Mt. Tolmie here in Victoria B.C. There are ancient Garry Oaks growing there in the solid rock of the mountain. You can get fog and sun at the same time if you are lucky.
My wife and I were out in the car reading as we often do in the late afternoon. We like to go somewhere near the water here in Victoria B.C. On this particular day we were up on Beacon Hill overlooking the Strait of Juan De Fuca and the Olympic Mountains. I always take my camera, a couple of lenses and a tripod in case I see something to photograph. On this occasion I spotted a white tail deer in the tall grasses. He wandered off and I followed him through the trails to a dead end at the top of the hill. There was a bit of a blind between him and I; but I have to say I was a little worried at that point that he might not like my presence and may charge me. After a couple of minutes he decided I was not a threat and he just lay down. He had no problem with me photographing him. If this were later in rutting season and his antlers were full grown I would have been scared for my life. Taken with my new/used Canon 5D Mark II and an improbable Cannon 100mm Macro Lens at about 10 ft.
Ended up at Cannor Nursery here in Saanich B.C. I photographed these plants in 2012 and again this week. A real great new thing for me is going to garden centers and asking the propieter if I could photograph their location. They have been very happy to have me do this. I have also photographed at Russel Nursery's. Two of the photos on this site are from there and a couple from Cannor. I always try to talk to the person who is most involved with the nursery's art. I get their e-mail address and send them everything I have for them to look at and offer them free what ever they want at what ever resolution they need to make a print or use for their web-site etc. In my mind there is nothing better than being able to take your time to look at what you have created in the garden in an artisticly rendered photograph. I send them my best work.
Down at the Inner Harbor in Victoria. B.C. where my wife and I live. I've been photographing my neice Alyssa over the years performing there. The first time was when she had placed in the Canadian Idol competition and came to Victoria to process that whole outcome in her life. She is a dynamic performer, yoga practitioner, and mother of two daughters. She has been a singer song writer all her life. Alyssa is testament to living authentically.
This photo of mine will be on display at Art Atelier Tuesday November 4th to 21st. Art Atelier is hosting the Victoria Camera Clubs 2015 print show. All prints on display are for sale.
Autumn Bronze